Base for practical training of pediatric dentistry specialists at the Medical University - Plovdiv


Възпаление на венците – симптоми, лечение и превенция

Пародонтитът (известен още като пародонтоза) е възпаление и инфекция на венците и костта, която поддържа зъбите. Някои хора са по-податливи на този вид инфекция, но в повечето случаи възпаленията на венците са в резултат на лоша орална хигиена. Симптомите включват лош дъх, подути и кървящи венци, разклатени зъби и др. Има много начини за лечение […]

10 mistakes children make when brushing their teeth

Children often face difficulties when brushing their teeth. Some children brush their teeth too quickly, while others simply forget about this very important part of the hygiene routine. Therefore, it is very important that children are taught how to brush their teeth properly in order to have a healthy smile and excellent oral hygiene. In this article

Sage extraction - Everything you need to know

Crowded or malformed wisdom teeth can cause pain, infection, tooth decay, abscess, and many other problems. Having your wisdom teeth removed is the best way to prevent further oral problems. This will also provide enough room for the remaining teeth to grow and stay healthy in the future. In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know […]

5 benefits of bonding

One of the first things that make an impression on a person's appearance is the smile and teeth. No one likes crooked, stained or broken teeth. One of the ways to enjoy a beautiful and healthy smile again is through the dental procedure - Bonding. What is bonding? Bonding is a dental procedure where on the treated teeth [...]

Inner Wheel Club Stara Zagora - Beroe celebrated the anniversary of the international organization with a national traveling exhibition "100 years of Inner Wheel"

A national exhibition dedicated to the 100th anniversary of one of the largest voluntary women's organizations in the world - Inner Wheel, was opened on the anniversary on January 10 in the center of Stara Zagora. The guests of the event were the deputy mayors of the Municipality of Stara Zagora - Milena Zheleva and Pavlina Delcheva, the president of the Stara Zagora-Beroe Rotary Club and the vice-chairman of the Municipal [...]