Base for practical training of pediatric dentistry specialists at the Medical University - Plovdiv


Dental implants - When are they used?

When, due to various circumstances, you lose your tooth; When you want to avoid removable prosthetics (prosthesis); When you wish not to have your healthy teeth filed to make permanent prosthetics (bridge); When your prosthesis can't hold well and you want to change that - IMPLANTS PROVIDE A SOLUTION TO ALL THIS. Generally speaking, an implant is a screw […]


Dermal fillers are part of mesotherapy. What is mesotherapy? The word comes from Greek: "meso" - middle and "therapy" - treatment or, in other words, injecting various chemical substances into the dermis. Mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid is the ideal way to tighten and smooth the skin of the face, active hydration, replenishment of wrinkles. The dermal […]


- Dr. Bushkalova, could you introduce us to the history of your practice? - In 1992, my husband and I created one of the first private dental offices, then the First Private Dental Laboratory for the entire region. That was in a more distant time. We developed unconventionally and at a fast pace, implemented new technologies and realized a product unknown to the creator [...]

Do good! Help someone smile!

On the occasion of the World Smile Day, the Association of Dental Managers in Bulgaria (ADMB) calls: "Do good!" Help someone smile!” On Friday, October 5, ADMB will organize small "smiley holidays" for children across the country. Traditionally, the World Smile Day is celebrated every first Friday of October (in 2012, the date is [...]