Университетска база за специализация към Медицински Университет – Пловдив
Dental lasers are complex devices that use light energy to perform multiple dental procedures. With a laser, you experience much less pain than with a turbine or scalpel, both during and after the procedures. In fact, the laser causes so little pain, almost none, that many patients prefer treatment without anesthesia. And unlike the turbine, the laser does not make the grating sounds that irritate and bother so many patients, both adults and children. No touch at all!
The laser offers a faster and easier healing process. You experience much less pain, swelling and bleeding with laser treatments than with conventional methods. The laser destroys the bacteria and viruses often found in the treated areas, preventing infections. In most cases, this means no need for antibiotics and repeat visits to the dentist. Safest tumor removal - no distraction.
Laser treatment is applied to caries, periodontal problems, endodontic (root) restoration of dental tissues, pediatric dentistry, placement and prevention of implants, aesthetic dentistry. IN Dental clinic Bushkalova - Stara Zagora, we have 3 high-energy Er:YAG dental lasers.
Preserves the healthy structure of the tooth;
Kills bacteria;
Reduces the risk of infections;
Reduces the risk of repeated caries;
Faster healing, no postoperative period.
Less pain;
No annoying noises and vibrations from drilling;
Less need for injections;
Non-contact treatment (no touch).
Less time spent in the dental chair;
Treatment often does not require anesthesia;
Procedures are performed faster.