Университетска база за специализация към Медицински Университет – Пловдив
From 2018 Dental clinic "Bushkalova" added to its specialized equipment and the latest in its technology apparatus T-Scan Novus System, which measures the patient's occlusion at initial examination. Occlusion – this means that the upper and lower teeth make contact with each other, in other words – this is your bite.
The device visualizes destructive forces before they become a problem and cause tooth fractures and joint pain. T-Scan reveals the level and time of pressure on the individual tooth and the occlusal stability of the overall bite.
One of the things that must be taken into account during the initial examination of each patient is precisely his occlusion. With modern technology, it is possible to analyze the information that is obtained during the study of static and functional occlusion and find those signs and symptoms that confirm the presence of an occlusal problem.
Any dental restoration, regardless of its type and material, if it has incorrect contact points compared to the teeth of the opposite jaw, if it has incorrect anatomy and height, causes disturbances in the occlusal balance. This leads to impaired patient comfort, increased tooth sensitivity or any of the following symptoms:
– Wiping the teeth;
- Occurrence of a crack in the tooth or tooth fracture;
– Movable teeth;
– Change in the position of single teeth-breakage of a dental restoration (breakage of a filling or a fragment of a ceramic restoration);
– Recession of the gums (retraction of the gums and exposure of the root);
– Loss of dental tissue in the cervical region as a result of occlusal overload (dental abfractions);
– Painful, stiff muscles in the area of the jaws;
– Headache, neck and shoulder pain;
– Change in the mandibular joints – popping, clicking, pain.
Depending on the severity and causes of the occlusal disturbances, the treatment can be limited either to the replacement of the restorations of one or several teeth or to a complete rehabilitation involving all teeth. Orthodontic treatment alone or in combination with prosthetic treatment is also an option for treating occlusal problems.
Another cause of malocclusion is misaligned teeth, which includes misalignment of teeth from both jaws or misalignment between the two jaws.
When there is rotation of single teeth and it is due to an orthodontic anomaly, such rotation is the cause of the occlusion disorder. At the same time, problems in occlusion lead to a load on one or a group of teeth, which subsequently change their position and rotate to avoid excessive masticatory load.
Through this new technology of digital analysis, we achieve a higher level in dental treatment and dental prosthetics, which gives security and confidence during meals to our patients.N