Base for practical training of pediatric dentistry specialists at the Medical University - Plovdiv

Инфектирал мъдрец - причини, лечение, превенция

Infected Sage – Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Over time, many changes occur in a person's mouth. One of these changes is the emergence of wisdom teeth, also known as third molars. They are located at the very back of the jaw and are the last teeth to erupt (usually in the late teens or early twenties). Wisdom teeth are useful for chewing when healthy and properly positioned. However, if they don't have enough room to grow or are grown in the wrong place, they can cause a lot of problems.

Поникване на мъдрец

Problematic wisdom teeth can lead to an infection called pericoronitis, which is characterized by inflammation or swelling of the gum tissue around the wisdom teeth. Data show that about 80% of people are affected by pericoronitis when they are between the ages of 20 and 29.

What causes a wisdom tooth infection?

Какво причинява инфекцията на мъдреца

Pericoronitis can develop when the wisdom teeth have failed to penetrate or have partially penetrated the gum. In this condition, gum pockets often form in which food particles accumulate and become an ideal environment for bacterial growth. The space between the wisdom teeth and the back of the mouth is difficult to brush and floss, so bacteria thrive undisturbed.

It is the overgrowth of bacteria that causes the infections that affect the wisdom teeth. Bacteria are responsible for plaque formation, which in turn damages tooth enamel and can lead to tooth decay.

Symptoms indicating a wisdom tooth infection

Fever – the body's natural reaction to an infection is a rise in temperature, as a rise in temperature can kill or damage the bacteria causing the infection.

Chills – chills can occur alone or together with fever.

Toothache – anyone who has had a toothache can confirm how unpleasant this condition is. The pain can be dull or sharp and throbbing. In any case, a toothache is a sure sign of an infection.

Jaw and face pain – pain in the jaw and face is an indication of an impacted or infected wisdom tooth.

Bad breath – if bad breath is persistent, it is a sure sign of an infected tooth or gum.

Teeth sensitivity - experiencing a tingling pain when consuming cold and hot foods or liquids is a sign of dentin exposure, which can lead to enamel compromise.

Swollen lymph nodes – the lymphatic system is part of the circulatory and immune systems of the body. If there is an infection, the lymph nodes may become hard or swollen.

Gum pain and swelling – a wisdom tooth infection usually starts when bacteria enters the nearby gum tissue. As a result, redness, swelling and tenderness may occur. The gums can also become swollen due to the presence of an abscess filled with pus.

Bleeding gums – infected gums bleed very easily. If you notice blood after eating or brushing your teeth, then you may have an infection near the wisdom tooth.

Whatever the reason, a suspected infection means you should visit your dentist for a check-up as soon as possible.

Treating an infected wisdom tooth

Лечение на инфектиран мъдрец

A wisdom tooth infection will not go away on its own. It is very important to start treatment immediately to prevent a complication. What is the most appropriate treatment depends on the severity of the infection. Here are some of the possible treatments:

Improve oral hygiene – if the infection is in a small area and has not yet spread, the problem can be solved only by improving oral hygiene. Brushing your teeth thoroughly and gargling with antibacterial mouthwash can help clear up the infection.

Treatment with antibiotics – in the presence of an acute infection, treatment with appropriate antibiotics may be necessary. Medicines may also be prescribed to relieve pain.

Extraction of the wisdom tooth – if the pain and inflammation are very strong, surgical intervention may be necessary and the wisdom tooth will be removed. However, this should not scare you, as wisdom tooth extraction is one of the most commonly performed surgical dental procedures.

How to prevent a wisdom tooth infection?

Как да предотвратим инфектирането на мъдрец

Wisdom teeth cannot be prevented, but there are things you can do to avoid them becoming infected. Here's who they are:

Brush your teeth at least 2 times a day for a minimum of 2 minutes. Special attention should be paid to the innermost molars - the wisdom teeth.

Floose at least once a day, again paying attention to the outermost rows of teeth is very important.

Regular visits to the dentist, at least 2 times a year for preventive examinations and professional teeth cleaning.

Poor oral hygiene and irregular dental visits can lead to a host of oral problems, not just infections. Such oral problems are gingivitis, jaw problems, difficulty chewing, etc.

In Bushkalova Specialized Dental Clinic we have modern medical equipment and specialists in all areas of dentistry. The clinic employs proven oral surgeons with many years of experience in Dr. Dian Sharlanov and Dr. Martin Trifonov.
For a preventive examination, professional teeth cleaning, wisdom tooth inflammation or any other dental problem – you are in safe hands with us.

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