Зъболечение под пълна упойка

The most frequently asked questions about dentistry under general anesthesia

Най- често задаваните въпроси относно зъболечението под пълна упойка

Specialized dental clinic Bushkalova applies treatment of oral diseases under full anesthesia and sedation. Our team of dentists, anesthetists, maxillofacial surgeons and therapists are all highly experienced. Dental treatment under general anesthesia is sometimes the only option to solve a given problem.

Anesthesiology has an increasingly important role in dental treatment. By using different anesthetic techniques, comfort is created for both the patient and the dentist.

Modern team dental treatment is unthinkable without an anesthesiologist. Many patients are anxious just thinking about upcoming dental treatment. In this case, treatment under general anesthesia is the appropriate option. After a preliminary examination, a medical and financial plan is drawn up. Consultation with other specialists is also carried out - allergist, cardiologist, pediatrician, psychologist if necessary.

In this article, we will answer the most frequently asked questions on the subject.

When is dental treatment required under general anesthesia?

It is good to keep in mind that a complete anesthetic cannot always solve problems accumulated over years. It is very suitable for surgical manipulations, such as extracting teeth and placing implants. Enables therapeutic treatments. Full anesthesia is applicable in the following cases:

– in patients with Dentophobia

- highly fearful persons with built-up psychophysiological stress

– in patients with an allergy to local anesthetics

– in patients with mental problems who cannot cooperate

What is treatment under general anesthesia?

The sedation itself is performed by an anesthesiologist engaged specifically for the case, and with the help of an abot, he infuses a solution that puts you to sleep, but does not suppress your reflexes, making full anesthesia extremely safe. It is very well tolerated by patients. You are in a sleep state for the duration of the treatment. The maximum period you can be under anesthesia is a few hours.

Local anesthesia or general anesthesia?

Dentists often remind their patients that treatment can be done completely painlessly and with only local anesthesia and in many cases full anesthesia is used only when necessary. With a careful attitude and a personal approach, any treatment can be brought to successful ending.

Anesthesia is designed to protect our body from surgical trauma.

Anesthesia - it is not just a way to numb the pain, but rather a means of ensuring our own safety during surgical and therapeutic interventions of various types.

Smile, we are you!

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  • Radina
    May 9, 2023

    Hello, what is the cost of treatment with general anesthesia

    • megadent
      May 12, 2023

      Hello, the price can be determined after a thorough examination and analysis of the patient's condition. You can visit us at 51 Anton Marcin Street, Stara Zagora. If we do a thorough examination, we will also prepare a detailed treatment plan, in which all the prices of the specific treatment will be clearly listed. For more information, you can call 0882618227.


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