Награди за дентален мениджър Адмира 2023

Dr. Diana Bushkalova won the grand prize for Successful Dental Management - "Admira" 2023

Д-р Диана Бушкалова грабна голямата награда

On December 2nd in Hotel "Marinella" in Sofia was held the second edition of "Forum 100 of Creative Managers", at which the annual awards were presented to The Association of Dental Managers in Bulgaria (ADMB) for successful dental management.

We are extremely happy and proud to announce that the grand prize for Successful dental management - "Admira" 2023 grabbed the manager of the Bushkalova Specialized Dental Clinic - Dr. Diana Bushkalova. This is a huge recognition for our clinic and in particular for Dr. Bushkalova. Our renovated clinic was opened a little over a year ago on October 7 - International Smile Day.

The dental event of the year organized by The Association of Dental Managers in Bulgaria, gathered under one roof 100 dental managers and mentors from outside the dental industry. At the event, dental managers were divided into groups of 10 people each, with each group having a mentor with whom case studies were discussed on specific topics and, in the end, concrete solutions were proposed. A total of 5 selected topics in the field of management were considered: Professional protection and document management; European projects - development opportunities; Sales Psychology; Dental Practice Financial Management and Digital Marketing and Patient Loyalty. The discussions with the mentors were extremely useful because each dental manager learned something useful for their dental practice.

Връчване на награди за успешен дентален мениджмънт.

The mentors at this year's event were:

Martin Dimitrov – Economist and politician;
Prof. Pavel Stanimirov - Head of the Department of Dental, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, FDM, MU-Sofia, Head of the Maxillofacial Surgery Clinic, "Alexandrovska" UMBAL;
Irena Sokolova – social psychologist and psychotherapist;
Adv. Bilyana Toncheva – consultant European projects for business;
Prof. Daniela Ilieva – expert in business etiquette and international protocol, coaching and hypnotherapy;
Adv. Emilian Arnaudov – managing partner in the Popov, Arnaudov and Partners law firm;
Adv. Elisaveta Yotova - deputy head of the "Public Law and Projects" Department at the "Popov, Arnaudovi and Partners" law firm;
Radoslav Blagoev - business consultant
Velizar Yordanov – digital agency FUSS;
Peter Kazakov - expert accountant at Accounting House "Sova".

"This is a complex and extremely prestigious award, which makes me happy that it also appeared as an assessment of our efforts with the team to create and organize the work in the new Specialized Dental Clinic Bushkalova. "Forum 100 of Creative Managers" brings together people with managerial practices, both from our class, from dental doctors, and representatives from other spheres of business in Bulgaria - from the world of finance, banking, psychologists, managers of European projects, accounting services and others' – said Dr. Bushkalova.

5/5 - (1 глас)

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