Екелтронен доктор - изглажда бръчките и бори целулита.

Applications of Electronic Doctor

After extensive research and experiments, scientists managed to isolate a specific low frequency electromagnetic field, which is successfully starting to be applied to smoothing wrinkles, balding problems, unpleasant stretch marks, as and fighting cellulite in countries such as Great Britain, France, Romania, and now also in Bulgaria.

The medical discovery Electronic doctor (Electronic Doctor) makes the treatment of problem areas completely non-invasive (and therefore painless), using your own stem cells to degenerate tissue.

Електронен доктор, съвременно медицинско решение за борба с бръчките и стриите.

It activates the deep subcutaneous layers by creating new cells that begin to produce collagen and elastane.


You must have wondered if there is a way to smooth out wrinkles, to solve problems with baldness or unpleasant stretch marks and cellulite without undergoing painful operations and manipulations. the answer is YES!


Electromagnetic emitters are placed on the desired areas of the skin for rejuvenation: the forehead, the outer corners of the eyes, the area between the eyebrows, the nasolabial folds.


Emitters of the electromagnetic field are placed on the areas of the body affected by stretch marks or cellulite.


Areas affected by alopecia (baldness) are stimulated by the electromagnetic emitters built into the cap. When treating baldness, the goal is to increase the number of active hair follicles or to activate dormant ones. Hair regeneration and growth occurs at a rate close to that of the natural growth cycle, which can last from 3-5 months.


Card for 10 procedures – BGN 550.

Card for 20 procedures – BGN 1,000.

Card for 30 procedures – BGN 1,150.

Card for 40 procedures – BGN 1,500.

Note: When buying a card, the review and consultation are completely free! Cards can be paid in installments, agreed individually.  

How the therapy with Electronic Doctor works

Step 1: Consultation with a specialist after prior registration. You can consult a dentist once a week in the "MEGADENT" building. Problem areas and extent of involvement are identified.

Step 2: Determining the areas to treat, the goals to achieve and the number of treatments needed. The standard number of procedures with the Electromagnetic field of Electronic Doctor is 20 with a duration of 2 hours each, carried out every other day. With severely affected skin, the number of procedures can be increased to 60. In cases where they are recommended as prevention, they can be reduced to 10. The procedures can be carried out in a private setting while watching your favorite show, working on a computer or reading book, combine them with a workout in the gym or a massage.

Step 3: Actual treatment with Electronic Doctor and expected results. The effect of the Electronic Doctor's low-frequency electromagnetic field is due to the fact that the deep subcutaneous layers respond to its impact by starting the production of new cells, which in turn produce collagen and elastane and thus increase the volume and density of the epidermal tissue. This creates a "push up" effect, which is expressed in the elimination of wrinkles and stretch marks.

Step 4: Reporting the result after the end of the procedures. During consultation with the dentist at MEGADENT, the initial condition of the problem areas and their condition after the therapy is compared.

Aesthetic and dental medicine studio


Stara Zagora
51 Anton Marchin St. (entrance from the north)

phone: 042 601 259, 042 978 910, 0886 12 89 89



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