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How to teach a child good oral hygiene

Oral hygiene education should start early

Starting to learn and practice good oral hygiene is sometimes quite a difficult task, especially if the child is resistant. The good news is that we at the Bushkalova Specialized Dental Clinic have extensive expertise not only in the treatment of children's teeth, but also in training and consulting parents when it comes to their children's oral hygiene. With the right strategy and insistence from the parent, the child will develop a routine that will eventually make him a responsible person for dental hygiene and dental health.

In this article we will talk about:

When should baby's teeth start brushing?
Basic rules for brushing children's teeth.
Helpful tips on how to teach your child to practice good oral hygiene.

When should baby's teeth start brushing?

Good dental hygiene should start when the child is still a baby. After the baby has been fed, whether it is breast milk or formula, his gums should be wiped with a damp cloth. Of course, at this early stage the child cannot be trained in anything, but by practicing good oral hygiene, you get into a routine and lay the foundations for further training.

When the baby starts to eat solid food and teeth start to appear, you can use a toothbrush that is placed on the finger. These brushes are made of rubber, have very soft bristles and are usually placed on the index finger. Gently brush the brush along the gum line and around your baby's teething teeth.

You can start brushing your baby's teeth when the first tooth has fully erupted. You can brush your teeth twice a day, and the amount of toothpaste should not be more than a grain of rice.

Basic rules for brushing children's teeth

Once all the teeth have erupted, it's time to replace the rubber finger brush with a toothbrush like yours. It is very important to choose the right brush for your child. There are many child-sized toothbrushes on the market. The brush should have soft bristles to provide the child with comfort and softness. Brushes with stiff bristles can irritate a toddler's mouth and discourage brushing.

At this stage, the amount of toothpaste used can be increased from rice to pea. It is good that the paste is fluoridated, as fluoride is important for children. This mineral strengthens the enamel and is deposited in the permanent teeth, making them more resistant to cavities. Keep one thing in mind though, because too much fluoride can lead to fluorosis. Use only the recommended amount of paste and you will protect the child from unwanted consequences.

When you are first teaching your child how to brush his teeth, we recommend that you brush them for him. At this stage, children do not yet know how to hold the brush properly. They do not have enough dexterity or motor skills to effectively remove the plaque.

When brushing the child's teeth, stand behind him and hold the toothbrush in a comfortable way. Ask the child how he is feeling. If it hurts, stop and make sure the gums are not irritated. Brush your toddler's teeth twice a day. As the teeth begin to touch, you can start flossing once a day. While brushing and flossing, explain to the child what you are doing so that they begin to understand the whole concept. When the child is 2-3 years old, the first attempts at independent brushing of the teeth may begin. Of course, this should be done under your control and your follow-up when the child misses washing an area. This will help children develop some independence and learn proper technique.

Helpful tips on how to teach your child to practice good oral hygiene

From the earliest possible age, you need to teach your child the importance of oral health and what they need to do to achieve it. Not sure where to start? Here are 8 useful tips that will help teach your child good oral hygiene:

  1. Let the child only brush his teeth, but necessarily under your supervision, at least until he is 7-8 years old. It is good for children to brush their teeth in front of a mirror because this way they can observe what they are doing and clean up and improve their brushing technique.
  2. Catch the weather! Effective brushing requires a minimum of two minutes. There are special hourglasses designed for this purpose
  3. Brush your teeth together. Show your child how to brush properly all the way to the back molars and along the gum line.
  4. Explain to the child what will happen if he does not brush his teeth. Explain to them how caries are formed in children, what caries are and why we should protect ourselves from them. Don't scare them or use terms like "pain" and "injury" when talking about the dentist. Instead, explain why oral hygiene is so important using child-friendly, positive terms.
  5. In addition to brushing your teeth in front of your child, floss them as well. Children usually become proficient at flossing around the age of 10. That's why it's so important to show them how until they start flossing on their own.
  6. Shop for fun kid-themed toothbrushes and delicious toothpastes. This will make children more excited about oral hygiene. Our recommendation is to use fluoride toothpaste because this mineral is very important for children.
  7. Visit a children's dentist regularly for preventive examinations. In our clinic, a specialist will carefully examine the child's teeth and gums or tell you if the child is brushing his teeth correctly. We conduct motivational and training courses on various topics related to oral hygiene.
  8. Make brushing fun for kids. Even if you follow all the positive advice, if the experience itself is stressful for the child, they will not want to do it. You can use appropriate songs, have the whole family brush their teeth and turn the whole process into something like a game. You can also use special books that aim to calm and prepare children before the visit to the dentist. Suitable titles are: "I have a new tooth", "Maxi at the dentist", "Knock and knock" and others. This will surely pique the child's interest, and when children are having fun, they learn things much easier and faster.

Follow our Blog to get more interesting and useful tips. Good oral hygiene practices and talking about oral health from an early age will encourage children to develop excellent habits that can last a lifetime. If you're looking for experienced pediatric dental specialists or want personalized guidance to help your child maintain a sparkling smile, you can turn to the proven professionals at Specialized Dental Clinic Bushkalova.

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